I loved the first two books in the series, Bittersweet and Steadfast, so there was no way I was not going to read Keepsake. It was such a great story, I loved Zach and Lark!
Keepsake (True North #3) by Sarina Bowen
When her best friend offers her a stay at the Shipley orchard in exchange for help at the farmers’ markets, Lark jumps into her little car and heads to Vermont. Unfortunately, the night terrors don’t stop. Desperate to keep her fragile state a secret from those who know her best, she relies on the most soft-spoken resident of Orange County, Vermont, to calm her down when her dreams prove too much.
Zachariah, 23, is a survivor of a different kind. It’s been three years since he was tossed aside by the polygamist cult out west, and the only home he’d ever known. In Vermont, he’s found a peaceful place in the bunkhouse at the Shipley’s farm. He’s good with animals, and he’s good with his hands. But getting thrown away by your own people at nineteen leaves a mark on a guy. And he doesn’t always know what to make of a world where apps and movie quotes are the primary means of communication. Before hitchhiking to Vermont, he’d never watched TV. He’d never spoken on the phone.
Actually, there are still a lot of things he’s never done.
Zach and Lark slowly grow to trust one another. One night they become even closer than they’d planned. But Lark may still be too broken to trust anyone. When she shoves Zach away, he will have to prove to himself that he's good for more than farm labor.
This was so, so good! Such an excellent story with this wonderful building friendship that turned into so much more for these two characters. A little broken and raw but so kind and sincere, I loved both Zach and Lark. I've been excited for Zach’s story since the first book so I loved getting to know his backstory.
Great writing with a steady pace and the character development really drew me in. There was a fantastic, slow build in the first half where Lark and Zach really get to know each other and start to share and trust. Lark was having such a difficult time and putting on a brave face and I love the friendship she formed with Zach and how that grew. Zach was so sweet and delving into his character was fantastic, he was so much more than he seemed and it was fascinating seeing things through his eyes. I really liked their attraction and chemistry. Loved the heat these two have created and their slow burn to combustible.
I thought there was really good progression and a nice amount of drama and conflict. I really enjoyed the dual POV's as well. I was pulled into what Lark was going through and I thought it was handled well, I could feel all the emotion. I loved watching Zach grow, from so sheltered to really standing on his own two feet. I feel like they both experienced a transformation with so much healing, it made me happy for them. They just were so much stronger than they believed themselves to be and I loved that growing confidence when they finally get it together.
I loved the Shipley's and everything they bring to the table. I like what was introduced within their family and one of the characters and I’m curious to see where the author takes it. There was some awesome foreshadowing with Zara so I’m excited for what’s going to happen with her. I enjoyed all the guys and their ribbing, there were a few light hearted moments mixed in which was a nice balance with all the emotion and tension happening.
Awesome addition to the series! Zach and Lark were amazing!
Complimentary copy received for honest review.
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