Have you met Drew Evans? If not, you really, REALLY need too! And his friends too because they are all pretty awesome. The Tangled Series by Emma Chase is a sexy and humorous and I devoured each and every story. They are all well developed, solid stories with dynamic characters and each one one left me with a huge grin on my face. So many times throughout I was laughing out loud. So funny and sexy with the perfect mix of hotness (and I mean a heck of a lot of HOT!) and drama mixed in. Each story had so many fantastic moments that just left me feel truly happy. They’re all flirty, fun, and fantastic. A must read series for sure!
Tangled (#1) - Amazon US | Amazon UK | My Review
Holy Frigging Matrimony (#1.5) - Amazon US | Amazon UK | My Review
Twisted (#2) - Amazon US | Amazon UK | My Review
Tamed (#3) - Amazon US | Amazon UK | My Review
Tied (#4) - Amazon US | Amazon UK | My Review
It’s A Wonderful Tangled Christmas Carol (#4.5)
Amazon US | Amazon UK | My Review
Note: All these stories are technically standalones with Tangled, Tamed, and Tied focusing on different couples. I honestly would not read book 2 before 1. Twisted follows the couple’s relationship a few years after Tangled and to get a full grasp of Twisted and truly experience it all (even though the events of Tangled are recapped), you really need to read these two in order. Everything starts with Tangled with all the characters being introduced and it’s not to be missed - definitely read it first.
By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother who resides in a small town in New Jersey. By night she is a keyboard crusader, toiling away the hours to bring her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.
Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true.
Connect with Emma Chase
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This feature showcases Series Recommendations and it’s called Recommended Read. Either the series is complete and I’ve read them all or it’s an ongoing series and I am up to date with the latest release. No matter what, these will be books that I LOVE and HIGHLY recommend with characters that I just can’t let go. If it’s an ongoing series, I’ll update the appropriate page after the newest release has been read and reviewed.