Just a Note: My New Reading Spot

Reading Spot | About That Story

My New Reading Spot


For a few years now I’ve wanted my own special reading spot that would be dog hair free. It would consist of a big, squishy chair, have good lighting, have a place to set a drink, and be dog hair free. Did I mention dog hair free? lol! At the beginning of this year I finally got serious about my quest for my reading spot items and ta-da! It’s officially complete. I am so happy! I love it!

For those that are interested (because let me tell you, I searched Pinterest a gazillion times to try to get ideas and find items that I could buy locally or order online), I bought the chair at Ashley Furniture (it’s called the Darcy chair), the ottoman is from Target (my happy place), and the side table was purchased from Woodworks Unfinished Furniture (you pick the style and they stain it or you stain it yourself).


Reading Spot (with Daisy) | About That Story

When I went to take the original photo to share my new reading spot, this was the first shot I got. Daisy the Wonder Dog strolling through the space, rubbing up against the side of the chair. So much for dog hair free, lol! I swear she did it on purpose and then looked at me. At least she can’t fit in the chair (and hasn’t tried too), that’s something. Crazy dog.


Just for fun – Before and After

Office (before) | About That StoryReading Spot and Office | About That Story

These rooms are actually our Formal Living Room (we call it “the front room”) and Dining Room. We knew when we bought the house that we’d never use the Dining Room so it was designated my Scrapbook Room and we put in an island because I’m a girl who likes to stand while she crafts and I needed the workspace. After 10 years of crafting I got very burnt out and it fell by the way side and just became my office. With my big, squishy chair coming it was time for that island to go because I don’t like things crowded. I don’t miss it at all and LOVE the new view! I think the only one who has a problem with the change is Miss Daisy because I moved her blue rug, lol!

Anyway, that’s my new reading spot. I’m kind of in love with it. :-)


Do you have a special spot where you read? Let me know in the comments or link me up if you’ve got it online somewhere, I’d love to see.

Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a peek. Happy reading everyone!




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