July ROCKED! I shared 11 new reviews this month that you can check out below. I’m not going to lie, I’m already thinking about my end of year recap when I share my Top 10-15 favorite from the year. There are just so many awesome stories I have fallen in love with and that have gotten under my skin, it’s going to be so hard! For now I think I’ll take it one month at a time. So, I bring you July…
Review: Bound Beneath His Pain (Dirty Little Secrets #1)
by Stacey Kennedy
This was excellent! I was hooked from the start with great characters and an interesting and exciting story line. I couldn't put it down!
Review: Bounty (Colorado Mountain #7)
by Kristen Ashley
Wonderful story! Kristen Ashley always pulls me in, making me ignore everything around me. This was no different. Another solid read!
Review: One Week to Score (Tall, Dark, and Texan #3)
by Kate Meader
This was so fun and sexy! An entertaining, light read that was just a joy to lose myself in. Stories like this are so great because they contain just the right mix of playfulness, animosity and heat.
Review: Hottest Mess (S.I.N. #2)
by J. Kenner
Holy intense and hot! So much passion and drama. I loved it. I think I might have held my breath during the first chapter. Everything was so captivating with complex characters that are entangled in a heated and complicated relationship. Riveting, heart stopping, and erotic! I loved every second!
Review: Cream of the Crop (Hudson Valley #2)
by Alice Clayton
Wonderful story, sweet and sexy and seriously entertaining! I absolutely love how Alice Clayton lays out a story. There is this great build as all the details are laid out, an almost perfect development that draws you in, not letting you know all the secrets at once. It makes for a really incredible read.
Review: Steadfast (True North #2)
by Sarina Bowen
I absolutely loved every single second of this. It was a beautiful and emotional story with very real characters dealing with hard situations. It was so touching, heartwarming, and full of hope, I couldn't stop reading. An excellent piece of work!
Review: Wanderlust
by Roni Loren
This was so awesome! A great foundation was laid right from the beginning. I couldn't put it down! I pretty much blew of two days because I couldn't stop reading. Excellent story with likable characters. Really entertaining with a good mix of drama, emotion and heat! It had such a great build too, I was so drawn in as all the little details emerged, it just made for a really fantastic read.
Review: Wicked Ride (Wicked Horse #4)
by Sawyer Bennett
This was awesome! And super hot! Seriously hot. It had a nice intensity to it as well and I was completely pulled in. Excellent addition to the series!
Review: The Angels’ Share (The Bourbon Kings #2)
by J. R. Ward
This was fantastic! It’s such an engaging saga full of twists and turns. It's drama filled and emotional with these extremely detailed and complicated characters. Right from the beginning I was pulled in and I had a really hard time putting it down. Awesome read!
Review: To Have and to Hold (The Wedding Belles #1)
by Lauren Layne
I love it when a story is just fun to read. When there are likable characters, it's super entertaining, sweet and sexy and it leaves you smiling big time at the end. That is exactly what this story did. It was wonderful and I was invested the entire time.
Review: Rock Me Two Times (Rock Band #1)
by Dawn Ryder
I thought this was a good story, entertaining and super hot!
On My Radar: Roman Crazy by Alice Clayton and Nina Bocci, The Protector by Jodi Ellen Malpas, Sparking the Fire by Kate Meader, The Billionaire Next Door by Jessica Lemmon, and Twist by Kylie Scott.
I shared a few excerpts this month: Excerpt from The Angels’ Share by J. R. Ward and one Reaper’s Fire from Joanna Wylde
The sexy cover for Bound to Submit by Laura Kaye was revealed. I am a huge fan of The Hard Ink Series and loved Hard to Serve which introduced the new Blasphemy series so I am excited to see where it goes.
I had to giveaways as well! Don’t miss out on those by subscribing to my blog my email.
I’m actually pretty impressed with myself reviewing so many books in July. I felt really lucky too because I had so many awesome reads in a row. I did skip my Recommended Read feature, hopefully I will resume that next month. We shall see. I might just do it when I have a series completely read that I want to recommend. So far I’ve shared 10… you can find them in the side bar.
Now it’s August. How in the heck did that happen? Time for back to school, my baby is going to be a Freshman! *hold me*
Thank you dear reader for dropping by, checking out my reviews and posts, and for all your comments. I greatly appreciate it. I know there are a lot of book blogs out there and I’m thankful that you chose me as a stop in your internet fun. :-)
Happy reading,
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