Book Love + Links is a fun feature where I share Book Love, which could be about anything that is book-related plus Links where I will be sharing things that are lifestyle-related like fun finds, products, recipes, and things I would recommend. Enjoy!
My read of the week was The Mistletoe Kisser by Lucy Score. It was absolutely hysterical! Hopefully, I'll have my review up this week. Otherwise, here's a quick review on Goodreads. Grab your copy HERE.
Yay for book mail! A Warm Heart in Winter by J. R. Ward arrived this week and I am thrilled to be getting more in the Black Dagger Brotherhood world. It's one of my favorite series and I'm looking forward to read more about Quinn and Blay.
Thank you Forever Romance for Not the Duke's Darling by Elizabeth Hoyt and A Little Country Christmas, by Carolyn Brown, Rochelle Alers, Hope Ramsay, and A.J. Pine.
More Twilight in the house! I had a birthday last Saturday (woot!) and received Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer. I remember devouring the Twilight series once upon a time and wanted to have this one in my collection. I'll read it eventually but I'm not sure when.
New on my TBR this week is Devil in Disguise by Lisa Kleypas, this is the 7th book in The Ravenels series and Lover Unveiled by J. R. Ward, more BDB coming next year... YES!!!
A new release this week that I'm excited to share is Second Chance on Cypress Lane by Reese Ryan. You can read my review HERE. I'm pretty proud of my Instagram photo for the book as well, check it out HERE.
Do you have a Book-Related Christmas Wish List? Bookwise, I've got my eye on Dream Bites: Cooking with the Commandos by Kristen Ashley, The Coppersmith Farmhouse by Devney Perry, and A Heart of Blood and Ashes by Milla Vane. Cute things wise, I'd love this little Go Away I'm Reading Sign. You can find more book-related gift ideas HERE.
I'm pretty excited about our new Air Fryer. Our new oven finally arrived and not only is it a regular oven, but it's also a convection oven and has an Air Fryer built-in. I created a Pinterest board for air fryer recipes because I want to try all the things. Check it out HERE. If you have some favorites air fryer recipes, let me know what they are.
I love coffee and have a Keurig K-Supreme Single Serve Coffee Maker on my Christmas Wish List. I went down a rabbit hole to educate myself before making my choice. I found a YouTube channel called Top Off My Coffee Please that was incredibly helpful and pretty much sold me on the one I wanted. If you're in need of Keurig info, definitely check this channel out.
I received the best Birthday gift from my husband, a Fitbit Versa 3. I love it so much I'm tempted to post a review here, lol! I upgraded from the Fitbit Charge 2 and it is a heck of an upgrade full of bells and whistles and a long time between having to charge it. It's perfect for my needs.
Because it's that time of year, I made a Pinterest Christmas Ideas board. Not that we have much room for more decorations in our house but I love to see all the creative ideas. Find it out HERE.