This was so amazing. I think Ally might be my new favorite Rock Chick. I am a huge fan of this series and Rock Chick Revolution did not disappoint. Another phenomenal read!
Rock Chick Revolution (Rock Chick #8) by Kristen Ashley
Ally Nightingale has secrets. Secrets she doesn't even share with the Rock Chicks. But two men know what she's up to. One has her back. The other has her heart, but he doesn't know it.
As Ally rewinds the last year of her life, she knows two things. One, she’s never going to get what every Rock Chick should have—her own Hot Bunch guy. And two, she’s a Nightingale through and through. She just isn’t sure what to do about that.
But as her secrets are revealed, the men in her life react. Darius Tucker, a lifelong friend, as usual takes her back. Ren Zano, the man she loves, isn’t quite so sure. The Rock Chicks, Hot Bunch and the entire gang at Fortnum’s weigh in, and a Rock Chick Revolution starts brewing.
It’s up to Ally to control it and prove what she knows down to her bones.
She’s a Rock Chick, she deserves her hot guy and she’s going to keep the one she wants…
Because she’s a Nightingale.
5 out of 5 stars
I wish I had the words to convey how much I loved this so I'm going to borrow one from Ally and go with RIGHTEOUS! Seriously! This story, so freaking amazing. It was everything!
Ally and Ren had such a fantastic story and I loved how it was introduced, laid out, and the build to it all. These two had a crazy ride full of animosity and tension, sexy times and arguments, fun and heat. I loved learning their history and how it overlapped with other stories in the series. There were just so many great details that had me beside myself with happiness. It could be emotional and intense and I ate it up. Mixed in with all that there was a heck of a lot of humor and fun as well.
I think Ally might be my favorite Rock Chick. I adored watching her figure out who she wants to be and what she wants to do with her life and fight for it. I liked seeing her depth and crazy thought process. She's no holds barred but smart about it and loves fiercely. Her determination and grit had me cheering for her. And Ren. Oh my goodness REN! Honorary member of the hot bunch. This man so incredibly sweet. He's alpha and bossy just like the rest of the guys in their sweet and loving way, but somehow he was so very different. I loved their relationship. How they found it, fought for it, fought in general. From the sweet to the heat and was just about perfect.
There are so many different elements and stories happening throughout and I thought it all tied together perfectly and had a fantastic flow. There's drama and intensity plus a lot of emotion. There were so many awesome things happening and stand out characters in play. I felt like a lot of secondary characters had a real time to shine and even though I liked them before, I fell in love with them even more. Jane, Duke, Smithie, and Darius. Oh my goodness Darius. His story, learning about his past, how it connected with Ally's friendship, it was truly exceptional.
From the Rock Chicks to the Hot Bunch I was all about this. There were so many wonderful scenes with all the guys that made my belly flip because I was just so happy with how things were progressing. And all the girls as well. Love them all! I was smiling and laughing in the midst of all the drama and emotion. This is one of those books that filled me up and made my heart happy.
Kristen Ashley is a master storyteller and writes some of the best epilogues I've ever read. This story is no exception. All the updates and babies and family ties and friendships, it was a beautiful thing. Fairytales do come true. Rock on!
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