The Shadows was so fantastic. It's one of those books that I picked up and that was it. I was consumed, nothing got done except me hanging out with Trez and iAm. It was emotional, intense, and incredibly well written. Another phenomenal story in the BDB world!
The Shadows (Black Dagger Brotherhood #13) by J. R. Ward
Trez “Latimer” doesn’t really exist. And not just because the identity was created so that a Shadow could function in the underbelly of the human world. Sold by his parents to the Queen of the S’Hsibe as a child, Trez escaped the Territory and has been a pimp and an enforcer in Caldwell, NY for years- all the while on the run from a destiny of sexual servitude. He’s never had anyone he could totally rely on... except for his brother, iAm.
iAm’s sole goal has always been to keep his brother from self-destructing- and he knows he’s failed. It’s not until the Chosen Serena enters Trez’s life that the male begins to turn things around... but by then it’s too late. The pledge to mate the Queen’s daughter comes due and there is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and no negotiating.
Trapped between his heart and a fate he never volunteered for, Trez must decide whether to endanger himself and others- or forever leave behind the female he’s in love with. But then an unimaginable tragedy strikes and changes everything. Staring out over an emotional abyss, Trez must find a reason to go on or risk losing himself and his soul forever. And iAm, in the name of brotherly love, is faced with making the ultimate sacrifice...
iAm’s sole goal has always been to keep his brother from self-destructing- and he knows he’s failed. It’s not until the Chosen Serena enters Trez’s life that the male begins to turn things around... but by then it’s too late. The pledge to mate the Queen’s daughter comes due and there is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and no negotiating.
Trapped between his heart and a fate he never volunteered for, Trez must decide whether to endanger himself and others- or forever leave behind the female he’s in love with. But then an unimaginable tragedy strikes and changes everything. Staring out over an emotional abyss, Trez must find a reason to go on or risk losing himself and his soul forever. And iAm, in the name of brotherly love, is faced with making the ultimate sacrifice...
5 out of 5 stars
The Shadows was an amazing read. I'm pretty sure it hit on every emotion I could have had. It was hard not to get wrapped up in everything!
The Shadows was an amazing read. I'm pretty sure it hit on every emotion I could have had. It was hard not to get wrapped up in everything!
I adored Trez and iAm and I am so glad they got their own book.
They have this amazing bond and I loved learning how they've been there for
each other and their back story. I enjoyed Trez and Selena’s story so much. If
you've read previous books, you know what's coming and it was a killer getting
there. I loved seeing how much Trez has changed and grown, and how much love he
had to give. I loved watching their relationship grow even in the midst of the
inevitable. I really liked Selena, living her life to the fullest and embracing
it all. Their story is a hard one and I thought it was beautifully done. I
freaking LOVED iAm. How he’s always there for Trez and the sacrifices he's made
over the years. I loved his story of finding someone and how that was tied into
Trez’s fate. I really liked the story with him and his Maichen. I loved who she
was, her strength, how she persevered and how she fought for what was right. I
was literally cheering as everything played out.
I loved all the stories happening, there was a lot touched
on. These are FULL stories, lots of details and information learned. It's super
elaborate. Some stories are more fleshed out than others but seeds have been
planted and are growing, effectively keeping me hooked on this world, wanting
more. I’m really looking forward to more Rhage in the next book, he and Mary
are an all-time favorite couple so I can't wait to see what happens with them. There
was more with Layla and Xcor. Their story is slowly building and stressing me
out. I do love the subtle transformation Xcor has undergone since first
being introduced. There was also more with Assail, Luchas, and the Band of
Bastards. A few new characters were introduced as well, so I am officially excited to read
the first book in the Black Dagger Legacy series.
This was funny, sweet, and playful. It was heartbreaking,
emotional, and intense. There was heat and love. There was action and drama. I
held my breath, I laughed, I cried, I cheered, I cried some more. It was so
extremely well done. J. R. Ward is such a phenomenal storyteller.
Connect with J. R. Ward
I love paranormal romance and have a thing for vampires so it's no surprise I adore this series so much. What are some of your favorite PNR stories? Let me know!